The Austin Events wall calendar is more than just awesome photos of Austin. Here’s some of the fun you’ll find on your calendar for the coming year!

101X Summer Cinema Series * 19th Fest * 37th Street Christmas Lights * 3M Half Marathon * A Christmas Affair * ABC Kite Fest * African American Book Festival * aGLIFF's PRISM 37 LGBTQ+ Film Festival * Aguas Frescas and Smoothies * Alamo Drafthouse Cinema * Almost Real Things * American Indian Heritage Day Celebration * Amplify Austin Day * Ann and Roy Butler Hike-and-Bike Trail * Antonelli's Cheese Shop * April Fools' Day * Armadillo Christmas Bazaar * Artists Sunday * Ascension Seton Austin Marathon, Half Marathon, and 5K * Ash Wednesday * ATX Television Festival * Austin Area Train Show * Austin Asian American Film Festival * Austin Chamber Music Festival * Austin Chronicle Hot Sauce Festival * Austin City Limits Music Festival * Austin Dance Festival * Austin Energy Regional Science Festival * Austin FC * Austin Film Festival * Austin Food + Wine Festival * Austin Murals * Austin Museum Day * Austin Music Awards * Austin Nature & Science Center * Austin Pond & Garden Tour * Austin Pride Parade & Festival * Austin Record Convention * Austin Reggae Festival * Austin Restaurant Weeks * Austin RV Expo * Austin Sketch Fest * Austin Studio Tour * Austin Symphony July 4th Concert & Fireworks * Austin Symphony-Hartman Foundation Concerts in the Park * Austin's New Year * Autumn Begins * B Scene at the Blanton * Ballet Under the Stars * Barton Creek Farmers Market  * Bastrop State Park * Bat Fest * BBQ Austin * Begin Daylight Saving Time * Bike to Work Day * Black History Month at the Carver Museum ATX * Blanton Museum of Art * Blue Genie Art Bazaar * Blue Genie Art Bazaar May Market * Bodhi Day * Boo at the Zoo * BookPeople * Brewery Bus Tours * Buescher State Park * Bull Creek District Park * Bullock Texas State History Museum * Buy a New Calendar Day * Cap 10K * Cap 2K Swim * Cap City Comedy Club * Carnaval Brasileiro * Cedar Fest & BBQ Cook Off * Central Library * Central Texas Corn Mazes * Central Texas Juneteenth * Chinatown New Year * Chinese New Year * Christmas * ChupacabraCon * Cinco de Mayo * Cine Las Americas * City-Wide Vintage Sale * Classic Game Fest * Clean Lady Bird Lake * Coltman Chamber Music Competition * Come Dance! Ballet Austin's Free Day of Dance * Cosmic Coffee + Beer Garden * Cowboy Breakfast * Creek Show * Deep Eddy Pool * Día de los Muertos * Día de los Muertos Viva la Vida Fest * Diez y Seis * Downtown Skyline * Driftwood Estate Winery * Dripping Springs Pumpkin Festival * Drive-in Movie Night * Early Voting Begins * Early Voting Begins * Early Voting Ends * Early Voting Ends * Earth Day * Earth Hour * Easter * Eeyore's Birthday Party * Eid al-Fitr (at sunset) * Election Day * Election Day * Elisabet Ney Museum * Empty Bowl Project * End Daylight Saving Time * Escape Rooms * Esther's Follies * Fantastic Fest * Father's Day * First Day Hikes * Flag Day * Fortlandia * Franklin Barbecue * Fredericksburg Oktoberfest * Free Comic Book Day * Free Day of Yoga * Free Week * Fresh Squeezed Ounce of Opera * FronteraFest * Fusebox Festival * Geminids Meteor Shower * German-Texan Heritage Society Christmas Market * Get Fit! Ballet Austin’s Free Day of Fitness & Pilates * Giving Tuesday * Good Friday * Groundhog Day * Guided Walking Tours * Halloween * Hanukkah Begins (at sunset) * Hanukkah Ends (at sunset) * Haunted Austin Tours * High Noon Talk * Hill Country Galleria Independence Day Festival * Holi * Holiday Sing-Along & Downtown Stroll * Holiday Tea at the Driskill Hotel * Honk!TX * Hot Luck Food Fest * Hot Summer Nights * House of Torment * Hyde Park Storytelling * Ice Cream and Cows * Ice Skating * IKKiCON * Independence Day * Independent Bookstore Day * Indigenous Peoples Day / Columbus Day * International Day of Yoga * It's My Park Day * Jacob's Well Natural Area * Jugglefest * Juneteenth * Keep Austin Beautiful Day * Kempelen’s Owls * Kerrville Folk Festival * KGSR's Blues on the Green * Krause Springs * Kwanzaa Begins * Kwanzaa Ends * Labor Day * Lago Fest * Lake Travis Waterloo Adventures * LBJ Presidential Library * Le Garage Sale * Life Time CapTex Tri * Little Free Libraries * Live Music * Local Beer Gardens * Lonestar Round Up * Long Center for the Performing Arts * Los Reyes Magos Celebran Octavitas * Luminations at the Wildflower Center * Magic's Theater * Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) * Mayfield Park and Preserve * McKinney Falls State Park * Memorial Day * Mermaid Capital of Texas Fest * Mexic-Arte Museum * Miracle on 5th Street * MLK Celebration * MLK Day * Modern Home Tour Austin * Moontower Comedy Festival * Mother's Day * Mount Bonnell * Movies in the Park * Mozart's Coffee Christmas Lights Show * Mueller Parks * Museum of Ice Cream * Museum of Illusions * National Night Out * National Public Lands Day  * National Trails Day * New Year's Day * New Year's Day Sunrise * New Year's Eve * North Pole Flyer * Nosferatu Festival * O. Henry Pun-Off * Oblivion Access Fest * Old Settler's Music Festival * Operation Turkey * OUTsider Fest * Paddling on Lady Bird Lake * Paramount Summer Classic Film Series * Passover Begins (at sunset) * Passover Ends (at sunset) * Pecan Street Festival * Pennybacker Bridge * Peppermint Parkway * Perseid Meteor Shower * Peter Pan Mini-Golf * Pi Day * Playland Skate Center * Poetry Slams * Polar Bear Plunge * Presidents Day * PrintAustin  * PrintEXPO * Pumpkin Nights Austin * QueerBomb * Rainey Street  * Ramadan Begins (at sunset) * Ramadan Ends (at sunset) * Record Store Day * Rhinory * River Revival Music Fest * Riverboat Cruises * Rodeo Austin * Roots & Wings Festival * Rosh Hashana Begins (at sunset) * Rosh Hashana Ends * RTX * Science Under the Stars * Second Saturday at the Blanton * Settlement Home for Children Garage & Estate Sale * Shakespeare in the Park * Sherwood Forest Faire * Shiner Beer Run * Skyspace * Snake Island * Snow Cones and Shaved Ices * Social Cycling Austin * South by Southwest * South Congress Avenue * Spring Begins * Squirrel Fest * St. Patrick's Day * St. Patrick's Day Austin * Star of Texas Tattoo Art Revival * State Park Star Parties * Summer Begins * Sunday Brunch * Sunset Valley ARTFEST * Sunshine Community Gardens Plant Sale * SUP El Camino Real * SXSW EDU * Texas Association of Broadcasters Convention & Trade Show * Texas Burlesque Festival * Texas Farmers Markets * Texas Fireworks Día de los Muertos Celebration * Texas Heritage Songwriters' Hall of Fame Awards * Texas Independence Day * Texas Monthly BBQ Fest * Texas Peaches * Texas Relays * Texas State Cemetery * Texas Tax-Free Appliance Weekend * Texas Tax-Free Weekend * Texas VegFest * Texas Wildflowers * Texas Woodworking Festival * Thanksgiving * The Cathedral of Junk * The Contemporary Austin * The Eureka Room * The Museum of Natural & Artificial Ephemerata * The Nutcracker * The Oasis at Lake Travis * The Salt Lick * The Stuffed Animal Rescue Foundation * The Texas State Capitol * The Thinkery * The Veloway * ThunderCloud Subs Turkey Trot * Total Solar Eclipse * Trail of Lights * Travis Heights Art Trail * Treaty Oak Distillery * TubaChristmas * Tubing on the River * Two-Stepping at the White Horse * Umlauf Garden Party * Umlauf Sculpture Garden & Museum * Uncharted Adventures * UT Commencement * UT Longhorns Football * UT Spring Break * Valentine's Day * Veterans Day * Violet Crown Cinema * Waterloo Park * Waterloo Records In-Stores * Watermelon Thump * Wiener Dog Races * Wildflower Days * Winter Begins * Winter Tamales * Wonderspaces Austin * Wurstfest * Xiang Yun Temple * Yom Kippur Begins (at sunset) * Yom Kippur Ends * Zilker Botanical Garden * Zilker Holiday Tree * Zilker Pops Concerts * Zilker Relays * Zilker Summer Musical * Zip Lost Pines

For even more events, check out The Austin Chronicle's online weekly calendar: